The Original Longarm Quilting Machine – Built to Last, Loved by Quilters Since 1974!

Archiving Data


Archiving the data in the IQ is important to do on a regular basis, especially if there are new patterns and quilts being added that need to be saved. Archival allows the user to restore the system in the event that something happens to the tablet (for example, if the internal battery dies and needs to be replaced).

Archiving Data

Archiving the data in the IQ is simple. Go to Utilities > Library Maintenance > Archive Libraries. IQ will then prompt the user to insert the USB stick in the USB port at the top of the tablet. Once the USB stick is in, IQ will create three archive files and move them to the USB stick. There is one file for each of the pattern, quilt, and block catalogs. Patterns.tar.gz, quilts.tar.gz and blocks.tar.gz are the archive files and will be used by IQ to restore the files.

Restoring Data

In the event that the data needs to be restored, go to Utilities > Library Maintenance > Reload Libraries. IQ will prompt the user to insert the USB stick in the USB port at the top of the tablet. Once the USB stick is in, IQ will restore the files by using the three archive files. Note that IQ can only restore what's in those files; if they are not kept current, the system will not be restored to the most recent configuration. This is why it is important to archive the data regularly.


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